Writing a Case Study on a Place: The Format And Structure Guidelines On

A case study is a research method which includes an in-depth and detailed examination of a subject. While writing a case study, it is also necessary for us to explain all the relevant contextual conditions. To write a case study, it is also necessary for us to conduct formal research. There are some disciplines like psychology, sociology and political science in which a case study has a prominent place. To write a case study, it is necessary for the students to get an idea about its structure and format. Here, we will discuss structure, format and guidelines to write a case study.

Guidelines to write a case study

Before commencing the case study writing task, you should get a clear idea of why are you producing this case study and what is the main subject of the case study. After getting answers to these questions, you should try to write the case study by following these guidelines;

1) Be realistic about the goals of your case study

Before commencing the case study writing task, you should have enough idea about your goals for writing the case study. Your main goal to write the case study is to create such content that is interesting and intriguing for the audience members. It is possible only if you have written your case study by gathering data from authentic and reliable resources. 

2) Identify a compelling angle for your case study

No doubt, a case study is just like a story for the audience members. If you want to create a better story for your case study, it is necessary for you to select a more compelling angle for your case study. The best compelling angle for your case study is to discuss the difficult or unusual problem in the case study.

3) Make your case study to relatable to all prospects

You should try to use the compelling angle of your case study just for the hook. After catching the attention of the readers, you should try to provide possible answers to all the problems that customers are facing while using your products in the case of a business case study. 

4) Follow the classic narrative arc

While writing a case study, it is necessary for you to follow the classic narrative arc. It means that you should write a case study by adopting the storytelling technique. As we know that while writing a story, we have to write the beginning, middle and end. In a similar way, while writing a case study by following the classic narrative arc, it is necessary for you to write it by following the beginning, middle and end. 

5) Use data to illustrate key points

After presenting key points in your case study, it is also necessary for you to illustrate these key points with the help of the best examples and evidence. While presenting data in your case study, you should make sure that it is authentic and reliable data for the audience members. 

6) Frame the supporting character

While writing a case study, it is also necessary for you to provide some arguments. After presenting these arguments in the case study, it is also necessary for you to support these arguments with the help of supporting examples and evidence. 

Structure and format of a case study

While writing a case study, it is also necessary for you to follow a professional structure and format. Some essential tips to write the case study by following the professional structure and format are given below;

1) Introduction

In the introduction of the case study, you have to introduce the case. While introducing the case in the case study, it is necessary for you to include the background and previous studies of the case. 

2) Aims

In the aims of the case study, you have to describe the main purpose of writing the case study. Moreover, it is also necessary for you to provide a list of those questions that you are going to discuss in the main body of the case study. 

3) Method

To write a case study, you have to gather the data by adopting a specific research methodology. In this section of the case study, you have to provide the complete detail of the research methodology that you have adopted to gather the data for your case study. 

4) Results

In the results section of the case study, you have to explain what you have found through your investigations. 

5) Discussion

In the discussion section of the case study, you have to explain what you have learnt in the particular situations that you have explained in the case study. 

6) Recommendations

In the recommendations section of your case study, you have to provide proposals for future work. 

Information by: Case study help.

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