A Complete Guide How Your Dissertation Literature Review Is Supposed To Be a Summary Of Each Source?

An executive summary provides an overview of some kind of the document and it also provides a complete detail about the most important points of a document. This executive summary is different from the abstract of a dissertation that provides only the neutral overview of a dissertation. On the other hand, if we talk about the literature review of a dissertation, then we come to know that it provides an overview about the theoretical as well as a methodological contribution to your subject area. Here, we will explain that how a dissertation literature review is supposed to be a summary of each source.
The first similarity between an executive summary and the literature review is that both of them provide the background knowledge about the document. If we talk about the executive summary, then we come to know that it provides an idea about the complete background of the author of the document, the context about that document, the main purpose of writing down that document, and a short statement about the main problem of that document. On the other hand, if we talk about the literature review of a dissertation, then we come to know that it also provides us with the background like the summary. To provide the background information in the literature review, you should try to provide the general overview of the dissertation topic and to provide the precise information about the research methodology.

The second similarity in the literature review and the summary is that both of them also provide the important points regarding a document. The main points are written by picking a topic, by preparing an outline of all the main points regarding to that topic, by formulating a thesis statement, by writing down the body about that topic, by writing down the introduction and the conclusion of that topic, and at the end, there comes the finishing touches about that topic. The difference between them is that a summary provides a list of the main points about a single document only. On the other hand, a literature review provides the main points of different kinds of the resources.

The endings of a literature review, as well as a summary, are also the same. Both of them provide the conclusions and the recommendations at the end. The most important tips to write down the conclusions and recommendations at the end of the academic paper are to formulate the main summary of the document, to formulate a provocative question, to use some quotations, to evoke a vivid image, to finish that important section with the help of warning, and to provide some suggestions for the results. The main difference between a summary and literature review is that a literature review provides an idea that how your dissertation is different from the others. On the other hand, a summary doesn’t provide that thing.

To sum up, we can say that a dissertation literature review is very much similar to the summary. Therefore, we can use the literature review of a dissertation as a summary of that dissertation.

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