How to use educational video tutorials for making your own presentation

The educational tutorial is a new trend in the field of e-learning. Just by looking into various kind of videos, you can get the answers for your working. The presentation primarily must deal a lot with the art of vision, because one must see as how to stand and how to speak. Although there are many books that can guide you in this way but at the same time you must consider the fact that there are number of issue that just the books cannot sort out. For the sake of ignoring all the issue one must visual and video tutorial are the best way to visualize. Here are some of the tips of using video tutorials for presentation:
1- Rehearsal with the video
To perform better, you must rehearse with the video because if you are following the instructions of the instructor in the video then you are dealing with a lot of ideas by practically focusing on them. While rehearsal consider the following ideas

i- Do not try to look like the tutorial person in the video.

ii- Don’t imitate his accent or style.

iii- If he/she is using some casual terms, then forget about it as that is only for the learners not for the professionals.

iv- Do not mention the tutorial in your presentation.

2- Use interactive Modes

The interactive videos are very much essential as in those tutorials, the tutors are actually talking to you and even telling you about your mistakes. If you are not able to be fully satisfied with the tutorial, you can always email the tutor for further instructions.

3- Check list
Before using an online tutorial video for presentation make sure you can check the following list:

i-Make sure that the site that is giving that video is not a scam or an unauthentic site made by some want to be presenters.

ii-Understand that the website must be linked with some educational institution.

iii-Even if its private, search it well on the internet rather than just selling out on what their web content has to offer.

iv-Do not commit to the content, until or unless you are not able to see at least three videos.

v-Profile check is also important as at times the tutor could be a random school boy like you.

4- Download the video

Another good tip is that you can always download the video. It is essential because that can assist you the longer run. Also, some of the tips you can forget very easily therefore having it in your laptop can save your time and effort.

To summarize, the video tutorial has become a recent trend and the students are getting a lot of benefit from it because they are having an extra class and learning from it. But as a sensible person, you must choose which e-learning site you will have for learning. The scam cases are coming out to a great deal and hence, one should be careful before making any presentation.

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