How to Optimize Blog Posts for SEO-Blogs SEO Checklist

If you want to show your website on the first page of Google, you will have to do SEO for your website, both Onpage and Offpage.  The blogs SEO checklist is here that you should follow for better ranking and earning. 

When you are writing a blog post for your blog, your aim is that your website should be visible to all the people who are entering your targeted keyword. This is possible only if your website is appearing on the first page of Google. To rank, your blog post on the first page of Google is not an easy task for you. For this reason, you will have to do proper SEO for your blog post. Without proper SEO, it is almost impossible for you to rank your website on the first page of Google.

Blogs SEO Checklist

A checklist for the SEO of a blog post is given below;

1) Add 1-2 Long Tail Focus keyword

There should be 1-2 long tail focus keywords in your blog post that describe the intent of the readers. To optimize these focus keywords in your blog posts don’t mean that you have to incorporate these keywords too many times in your blog post. Its reason is that this kind of activity will hurt your SEO because Google and other search engines consider this kind of activity as keyword stuffing. Therefore, you should try to add these focus keywords in your blog post in a human way.

2) Include focus keywords in specific parts of your blog post

After selecting long-tail focus keywords for your blog post, the next step is to include these keywords in specific parts of your blog post. First of all, you should include your focus keyword in the first 60 characters of your title tag. Secondly, you should try to mention your focus keywords at a normal cadence in the body and headers of your blog post. Thirdly, you should also include your focus keyword in the URL because search engines will crawl your blog post with the help of this URL. Fourthly, you should also add your focus keyword in the Meta description.

3) Make your blog mobile-friendly

Nowadays, almost all internet users have their mobile phones. Therefore, they prefer to search for anything via mobile phone rather than a computer. That’s why Google and other search engines are showing those results on their first page that are mobile friendly. Therefore, to make your blog mobile-friendly is also an essential SEO technique.

4) Optimize the meta description and use all the space

A Meta description is the additional writing place for your blog post and it appears just below the link of your blog post. With the help of Meta description, the writers can easily get an idea about the content of your blog post. Therefore, you should try to fill all the place of the Meta description and try to provide a brief overview to the readers about your blog post with the help of this Meta description.

5) Optimize your images

In order to improve the SEO for your blog post, it is necessary for you to add some images. Its reason is that with the help of these images, it is easy for the readers to understand the content of your blog post. After adding some images in your blog post, you should also try to optimize these images. You should add your focus keywords into the text of your images. With the help of this text, the search engines will be able to show your images in their image search results.

6) Don’t use similar too many topic tags

No doubt, with the help of topic tags, the search engines will be able to search blog posts of your website. On the other hand, if you are using lots of similar topic tags in your website, search engines will consider that you are uploading duplicate content and these search engines will penalize your website. Anyhow, if you want to use too many tags, you can create a new website.

7) Use such URL structures that are helpful for the visitors

The URL structure of your web pages should be such that it should be easily understandable for the visitors and the visitors should find it easy to understand the content and structure of your website. The search engines also provide preference to those websites whose URL structures are helpful for the readers.

8) Internal and external linking

While creating a blog post, you should try to provide some internal links of other blog posts in this blog post. This is the best technique to tell the search engines that you are creating relevant content. Along with internal linking, you should also try to add some external links of other authentic websites in your blog post. While adding internal and external linking, you should make sure that these links should be relevant to the content of your blog post. There is no need to add such links that are not relevant to the content of your blog post.

9) Use Google’s Search Console

Search Console is a free product of Google. You can use this product in order to improve the SEO of your blog posts. After uploading your blog post, you should send an indexing request to Google with the help of the Search Console. With the help of Search Analytics on the Google Search Console, you can get an idea about the performance of your website against different keywords.

10) Provide social signals

After uploading your blog post, you should also try to provide some social signals to your blog post. Its reason is that lots of people visit these social media sites on a daily basis. If you share your blog posts on these social media sites, you will be able to increase the traffic of your website. Moreover, you can also prove that your post is engaging for the readers. As a result, the SEO score of your blog post will be increased.

11) Work on outbound links

Links also play an important role in the improvement of the SEO of a blog post. Therefore, you should try to create links for your blog post from the high PA and DA sites. You should try to create manual links rather than creating links with the help of software.


If you want to show your website on the first page of Google, you will have to do SEO for your website, both Onpage and Offpage. In the SEO of your website, there come quality content, keyword optimized posts, inbound and outbound links, social signals, optimization of images and optimization of Meta description.

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