Tips for Writing a Research Methodology of the Dissertation

Methodology of Dissertation
The important part of your dissertation is the research methodology. The methodology of dissertation explains the comprehensive logical support of the chosen research methods, compress whether you are using qualitative or qualitative methods or a mixture of both. The methodology normally follows literature review made by UK dissertation writing services, therefore for the purposes of regaining focus and clarity, it is useful to briefly review the research questions of research work. Explain and define the problems that need to be addressed. Overview of your approach to primary research should be given in order to contextualize and guide the reader about your methodology. By identification of methodological aspects, i.e. justification, sampling issues, etc. you can explicitly signal to the reader that you completely understand the allegations of astute, thorough methodology.

The reproducible of results of experiments is trademark of appropriate scientific method; reproducible shows the greater usefulness and credibility. Detailed description of techniques should be provided. The methodology section of the dissertation should introduce the overall approach for investigating the problem. The reason of using quantitative or qualitative approach should be mentioned there. The methods used should have a clear connection with a research problem. Moreover, make sure that used methods are able to address the problem. The main problem arises in many dissertations is that proposed methodology does not match with the objective of the paper. In other words, the proposed methodology is not appropriate to report the problem.

The description of specific methods that you are going to use for collecting data such as questionnaire, observation, interviews, surveys. The reason to choose the data collection method should describe in detail. How you are going to analyse the result should also be explained. It means to describe whether you are going to use statistical analysis to analyse your results. Specific theoretical perspectives or text will be used to describe the observed results. Describe how you plan to obtain an assessment of patterns, trend, relationship, possible contradiction and distributions found in the data.

Provide the rationale and background of methodology so that readers can easily understand. In the social sciences the methods for investigating the research problem requires more rationale or explanation than the natural sciences. The explanation should be concise and clear. The justification of sampling procedures and subject selection should be provided such as if you are going to conduct interviews to collect data, then how do you propose to select the sample population? In addition, if you are analysing the text, then explain which texts are chosen and what is the reason. Many other data sources can be used to address the problem, explain why you have chosen the particular data source to address the research problem.

The practical implications that affect the data collection method should be stated. Moreover, another limitation such as time, etc. should be described in details. The issues of reliability and validity must be clearly discussed. The irrelevant data should be avoided. Do not provide the background information in the methodology section that has nothing to do with the methodology part of dissertation. After writing all the relevant data in the research methodology, review again to write any missing parts.

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