Creativity Vs Productivity: Which To Use In Coursework Writing

Creativity Vs Productivity
There is a profound conflict between productivity and creativity and it is not when managers understand it that they can get more of the latter. Productive individuals move through the tasks they have to perform systematically. They are making steady and tangible progress towards their goals. They put their time to effective and efficient use. Creativity does not. Productivity and creativity are in perpetual tension. Productivity is tangible, and not imagination. Being productive requires you to plan your working day effectively and efficiently. When you are creative you should forget all the systematic ways of working. Creativity needs to grow in time and space. While we can routinely participate in creativity-related practices, creativity itself is difficult to systematize.

Creativity is basically about information. Studies by a coursework writing service show that nearly all creative ideas involve people finding new uses for existing knowledge, some novel setting of old insights. That means people need to have the opportunity to study things that are not appropriate to their jobs, so they'll have a broad and deep information base to draw from when they need to be creative. But those things, building up and expanding a knowledge base, take time. It's hard to schedule a few hours to indulge in artistic activities here and there. Instead, there are times when it's necessary to spend hours learning about a new area of knowledge, or having a rambling conversation with a colleague to pull the thread of a new idea. And so a lot of creative activity might look like loafing around disturbingly until the breakthrough comes.

Top 3 Tips For Managing The Conflict Between Productivity And Creativity In Coursework Writing
Productivity and creativity do not live on opposite ends of a spectrum; they are both ingredients for making things that have meaning, purpose, and impact. Getting maximum creativity and productivity, however, does require two different approaches. It depends on being observant, asking questions, and making correlations between various subjects to come up with innovative ideas. Creativity feeds on open spaces, reading widely, and taking notes from the shower on those reflections. Productivity feeds on action items, scheduled blocks of time, planners, and lists of to-do. Productivity must be disciplined, focused, and prioritized. Creativity and productivity may be contrary but they are still close friends. And in the end, learning to maximize both will optimize our effect. Why choose between two if we can have both? Here are a few tips to balance both productivity and creativity in your coursework writing:

1. Slow Down To Power Up:
Running all the time at 110 percent would do nothing but trigger burning out. Schedule in downtime; all day, week, month, and year. You are engaged in thinking, being creative, and coming up with fresh innovative ideas. When you are plugged in 24/7 and moving at a rapid supersonic pace you can't do this efficiently. You can also schedule at the beginning of each week in quiet time to plan your coursework. Block downtime allocated for an uninterrupted productive time in your diary. When you get home, switch off your connection to the office and make sure you take regular time throughout the year to disconnect, relax, and charge up completely.

2. Do It In Fragments:
Recognize that productivity and creativity is not a Heaven-made match. Divide the job into tasks that require imagination, and tasks that simply demand that you do it. Carve chunks of unstructured, uninterrupted time out to work through tasks requiring creative thinking. You can set different blocks of time to sprint through the job that just needs to be completed. Above all, give up trying to multi-task. Stop making fun of being able to manage your emails and phone calls while working on three different projects, all at once. When you do this you are neither successful nor innovative.

3. Give Up On Guilt:
We were socially programmed to value hard work and productivity over all else. So try to schedule to be creative in downtime can cause some pangs of guilt. Remember they're there but let them go. Notice instead the quality of your work and the brilliant ideas that come. You'll quickly notice that in fact, the downtime is more than anything you need. It is time we stopped glorifying the notion of achievement through hard work. Deprivation of sleep, illness, and work devotion does not look like success from where we stand. It's time to focus not only on the productivity thrill but also the quiet time to let your creativity flow through.

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