10 Myths About Studying In The UK

International students

Studying in top-notch UK universities is the dream of pretty much every student. International students travel from various countries for this opportunity. UK is the home to well-known art, science, and business institutes. It is the leader in providing a well-established career to the graduates as well. But all that glitters is not gold. It is often said about the UK institutes. There are certain rumors and myths about studying in the UK. It affects some of these students for visiting the institute as well. Every place has its own pros and cons. But everything you hear doesn't have to be true. Given below are top 10 myths about studying in the UK;

Highly Expensive Accommodations

According to the essay writing service company, the expenses of UK are high but there are ways to manage them. For a student travelling from a foreign land, there are many saving opportunities. The on-campus facilities are cheap, and provide a comfortable living. The environment of dorms has discipline too. Students can live and study in a comfortable environment. Private housing in shared rooms and apartments is also available for the students. It also consumes a reasonable amount of expenses. Most of the students choose this facility. So you should not worry about accommodation expenses. There are many options to choose from. You can manage them according to what suits you the best.

Travelling And Living Expenses

The expenses of living in some cities like London are high. At the same time, the student living expenses are not that costly because of travelling services. The city travel service, and bullet trains are both cheap and easy. Students often use this source for travelling across the cities. This service can be more helpful for the students living in private, and long-distance places. Students at the dorm save most of the money from food and travelling. This is a wise option to save much of their expenses.

High Crime Rate

International students worry about the crime rate. The rumors of frequent mob attacks and violence are present on social media. But the reality is somewhat different. The institutional environment is safe, and free of violence. No political agendas are favoured at the institutes. The surroundings are also peaceful, with proper law and order.

No Freedom Of Religion

Some Muslim students may worry about the issues of religious attacks. There are many religions practiced in the UK. There is a freedom to choose and practice religion. You will see mosques, churches, and small temples as worshipping places. People of multiple religions pray according to their beliefs in the UK.

Expensive Curriculum And Admissions

According to a dissertation help firm, the most prevalent perception is that education is expensive. The annual, and semester enrolment dues are too high. Some students have also heard of extra dues being required in the midterm. This is not true at all. Some institutes have high degree prices. Their higher prestige requires them to have a high degree standard. But this is not true for everyone. The education institutes like Oxford also offer scholarship programs. Many students are travelling from underdeveloped countries. Those students have support from the scholarship programs of national, and international natures.

The UK Weather Is Too Cold

You will often find students saying that they are dying to find the sun in the UK. Frequent rain is also one of the common perceptions. The winters are long there, but the sunny season is there too. Although it comes with a short spell only. The students enjoy every season when they study in the UK.

Getting A Job Is Hard For Students

Graduate students often tend to find a job to meet their means. It becomes difficult for them to find the right job. They need jobs that suit their educational, and personal timings. This is so that they don’t have to compromise on their study hours. There are many job opportunities for students in the UK. Restaurants and food chains are the ideal places for such jobs. On-campus teaching, and training jobs are also open for students. The sayings about not getting a job in the UK are all rumors. You can find any job that fits your need in the UK. Hard earning jobs like ones that require working on the clock are also available. The on-campus job suits most of the students.

You Would Not Blend In

It is often a fear of new students that they will be seen as outsiders. International students find this fear as their biggest one. They make a perception that they will not find any friends, or will stay alone. Living in a foreign land is hard, especially away from the family. But it is not that bad in reality. The students come from different countries. They have the same feelings as you have. It helps them in finding a friend as well as a reason to blend in. You will experiment with various cultures and mindsets. It will broaden the horizons of students for long term benefits.

There Is No Scope Of A UK Degree

A fear of career is the worst. If anyone says something bad about the output of a degree program, we often accept it. It is advisable for you to first look for the answer. Career options for the students graduating from universities of UK are high in reality. You can see many top-notch employees who have studied at UK based universities.

Food Issues

UK is a multicultural country. It has cuisine from every part of the world. The food in UK has a different taste for different people. You will find international brands of the countries there as well. The small restaurants serving Pakistani and Indian foods give a taste of Asian cuisines to the international students. The food is amply available with many choices. Supermarkets also have a wider variety of spices and condiments. The famous Indian spices are present in almost every market. Traditional mangoes of Pakistan are also available in the summer season. The global culture makes it easy to transfer international food across the countries.

UK is a multicultural state with many opportunities for students. The educational, and living situation is ideal for students. You can find all essentials of life there. Hence, it is better to ignore, and not pay heed to any of these rumors. This is because they will only end up confusing you.

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